Our wonderful Dukes Lane pop up print shop is reopening its doors in the gloriously creative, vibrant and unique city of Brighton.

Come say hi to Dan and Het when you’re pootling in the Lanes. Het has been learning piano in lockdown with varying success, so is very pleased to be back. Dan can’t wait to see you again and will make sure we are following all government guidelines to the letter to ensure everyone stay safe. We are allowing no more than six people in the store at a time, with all staff and customers wearing face coverings. And if you’re in need of inspiration with face masks – we can help with that too. 

The shop reopens to coincide with this year’s Brighton Pride and our offering this year is a collection of Pride Masks, which have been created by some of our amazing They Made This artists.  Namely – Supermundane, Morag Myerscough, Marylou Faure, Marcus Walters and Fandangoe Kid. They cost £10 each and ALL money goes to the Albert Kennedy Trust, supporting lgbtq+ people who are facing or homelessness.

As ever we have invited a host of new artists to join our They Made This family. So alongside the likes of Kelly Anna London, Morag Myerscough, Eike Konig, Daisy Emerson, Mary Lou Faure, Supermundane, Rude, Mean Mail, Private Press, Jimmy Turrell, Damien Poulain, Peter Judson, Hey Studio, Ian Stevenson, Rude, Crispin Finn, John Booth, Steve Wilson, Jordy Van Den Nieuwendijk and local artist Lois O’Hara we are delighted to announce the arrival of The Daily Pennants, Tiny Riot, Tom Abbiss Smith, Alex Booker, Benjamin Thomas Taylor, Reign and Hail and Eynon Jones to our Brighton Shop!

Look forward to seeing you soon! 

Our opening hours are Tuesday – Friday 11 – 5.30, Saturday 10- 6pm and Sunday 11-5pm 

15/16 Dukes Lanes Brighton, BN1 1BG


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