The lovely illustrator Charlie Patterson has had a very busy bank holiday weekend. On Friday night he turned up at BBH agency in London with ten litres of yellow paint, a whole load of frog tape and a ruler. I presented him with an office full of plywood, a bunch of step ladders and a Go Pro. In the space of two days he turned the plywood into the stunning mural below, and in doing so brings over twenty feet of superb geometric sunshine into deputy ECD Caroline Pay's office. He then ran down to Pick Me Up and gave a talk and demonstration all about the use of tape in his work.

So just when we thought he couldn't possibly fit anything else in to his jammed packed weekend he's only gone and sent us a brilliant recommendation for our site as well. Below Charlie take over our recommends column today and tells us all about his friend, the illustrator Guy Field and shares some of the drawings in Guy's excellent, hilarious and really quite rude sketchbook.

Guy Field is a close friend of mine and I work with him on a daily basis. He is super talented as an illustrator bringing his signature style to all sorts of projects. His notebooks are full of the most bizarre drawings I have ever seen which give a great glimpse into the weird things that must go on in his head. If you are in a meeting with him and he's not drawing disfigured portraits of the people around you or grotesque penises then something must be wrong. He is definitely one to watch for 2015 and I hope he just manages to save time for some personal collaborations with myself !.

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