I have been a huge fan of illustrator Mike Perry since I first met him on a visit to London in 2009. He gave me the greatest pack of iron on stickers and believe it or not I even still have a few of them left. He is a prolific designer and artist. From pen, ink, paper, collage, paint and pencil he creates these brilliant joyful paintings, illustrations, sculptures, murals, animations, patterns, clothing and prints.
He also has an impressive amount of zines and books under his belt, including the cheekily titled Handjob – A Catalog of Type, Pulled – A Catalog of Screen Printing, Wondering Around Wandering, Over and Over – A Catalog of Type and a book about his most recent journey into the world of drawing nudes, My Mother Caught Me Doodling.

Mike Perry photographed by Backyard Bill
Mike has worked across a wide range of clients including Apple, Nike, Urban Outfitters, Channel 4, PlayStation, The Guardian, Ace Hotel and The New York Times and is a consummate collaborator with the likes of Nike, Jim Stoten, Converse and Anna Wolf. He also once organised a 24 hour Draw A Thon and a Get Nude Get Drawn live nude drawing event. He never seems to stop creating and wants 'Your eyes to dance' while he explores his place in the universe.
I had a chat with Mike recently about his beginnings as an artist building a drawing den out of cushions, his 4th grade crush, getting arrested, doodling nudes, wandering around wondering, his brilliant kaleidoscopic animation work with Broad City and the very tropical soundtrack to his life. Photos by the super talented Backyard Bill.

My favorite days were when I pretended to be sick and my mom would let me stay home. She was a single working mother and (from what I hear on the news) times were different, so even at a young age I stayed home by myself. I would build a fort out of the couch cushions, gather all of my art supplies and just watch TV and draw. Still one of my favorite activities.

Mike Perry's studio by Backyard Bill

Then I had a teacher who changed my life (as many of them did). Her name was Ms. Zalanski and I had her for 4th grade. She was young and creative. I had a huge crush on her, just being around her made me feel amazing. She gave me so much confidence it was amazing but still I just felt like a kid in school watching the clock tick very slowly.
Then when I hit my teens I tried to be cool. I don’t remember drawing. I had a lot of fun getting into trouble which lead to one debaucherous night ending with myself and two friends in jail. One by one my friends parents picked them up leaving me alone contemplating my life. I looked down at the bench I was sitting on, it was covered in names scratched into the wood. I recognized a few of them (fuck). I had to get my act together. So I found grunge music, grew my hair, started playing Dungeons and Dragons and drew, a lot. High school came with brilliant art teachers that supported my every move. Just the power of people believing in you can mean everything, I had that all around me. I could go on forever.
Then I went to art college. And I worked. Suddenly everyone around me was amazing. So it made me work super hard. I wanted to be as good as everyone around me and the only way I was going to do that was to go deep. So I did my school work and my own work, just making all the time. Trying to learn and take it all in.

I'm constantly trying to understand different mediums so I can continue to grow my visual language. It has taken me ages to understand that what I am doing is not making one single thing but a growing body of work that represents my relationship with the universe.

Mike Perry : Painting

Mike Perry : Layers Of Colour

I was asked by a small UK publisher to propose a book. So I thought why not reveal all of these provocative drawings. It will give me an excuse to organise them. Make more. I was thrilled. Shit hit the fan with the publisher six months later. So the book was shelved until I had the resources to publish it myself. And here we are. There is nothing more powerful then having an idea that 'must exist'. So you do whatever you need to make it happen.

Mike Perry : Nudes

Mike Perry : Nudes

Mike Perry : Garden Party

Mike Perry by Backyard Bill

Mike Perry : Follow Your Heart

Mike Perry : Something Incredible Is Waiting To Be Known

Mike Perry : Water

Mike Perry : An Odd Gang

Mike Perry : Broad City

Mike Perry : Broad City

Mike Perry and his dog Bass by Backyard Bill

Mike Perry : Hohe Luft

Mike Perry : Nike

Mike Perry : Standing Around

Mike Perry and his dog Bass by Backyard Bill