Since our interview with illustrators Roger and Anna aka Crispin Finn a couple of months ago they have been working on two lovely book projects, a soon to be announced project with Not Another Bill, work for US Wired magazine and Duracell, the V&A Museum 2016 calendar and a just launched Paris guide for the brilliant Herb Lester Associates. Below they take over our Recommends column today and introduce us to the excellent work of illustrator Richard Hogg.

Richard Hogg : Balloon Man
Welcome to the wonderful world of Richard Hogg. You might know his work already, he's been around for a while making amazing illustration for all sorts of things and last year worked on the computer game Hohokum for Playstation.

Richard Hogg : Hohokum

Richard Hogg : Flying Brick
If you don't know him, he's an artist that has an uncanny ability to blend observation, humour, charm and attitude, and somehow make all of that look simple and elegant to the point where we often find ourselves murmuring 'aaah genius!' whenever we see a new piece of his work.

Richard Hogg : Tree Hugger

Richard Hogg : Because Magnets & Reblochon
Much of his personal work seems to twist the everyday into something unique, original and, often, weird. It's hard to sum up the sometimes surreal elements of Richard's work. He seems fascinated by the mundane and the extraordinary and his work frequently manages to pinpoint the moment the two cross over. He is as capable of making you laugh out loud as he is creating a lonesome magic.

Richard Hogg : Rollers

Richard Hogg : Bernard
He also has an amazing eye for colour, often apparently layering different flat colours next to each other to create illustrations that border on luminous when you look at them.

Richard Hogg : These Are Not Owls
Often there seems to be a preoccupation with the new, the very latest and the most current. Our reason for choosing Richard is that his work manages to tick all of those boxes and remain fresh over and over again, but in a career that so far spans a decade and a half, it feels like this is just the tip of the iceberg. We're always looking forward to seeing what he does next.

Richard Hogg : Ryman Eco

Richard Hogg : Don't Slip Up
He draws everyday. With an ink pen. In a book. And in a computer. He also likes gherkins, handkerchiefs, sailing and Fisk, what's not to love?

Richard Hogg : Jazz Flute
Richard Hogg is represented by Siobhan Squire. See below link for more work and details.